作者同意后自由神学的主张,认为“基督徒身份”是建立在文化的界线上。但是,这界线不是清楚的,而是容许基督徒身份的不纯性与混杂性:一个经常与所处社会及其他宗教共享文化形式而建构的混合身份。作者如此写道: “Contrary to moderate postliberalism, the distinctiveness of
a Christian way of life is not so much formed by the boundary as at it;
Christian distinctiveness is something that emerges in the very cultural
processes occurring at the boundary, processes that construct a distinctive
identity for Christian social practices through the distinctive use of cultural
materials shared with others.” (Page 115)
- 基督教群体并不是自我封闭的(self-contained),也不是自给自足的(self-sufficient),而是持续性地参与在社会中。
- 虽然基督徒与非基督徒的生活方式存在着界线,但这界限是流动性(fluid)且穿透性的(permeable)。
- 结合基督教群体的,并不是其内在的行为与惯例,而是其关怀:对真门徒的建立、和对人的文字的及信仰行为的正确反思。
因此,作者从后现代文化理论的角度来谈及基督教群体之身份时,认为基督教群体行为的多样性在其所关怀的任务下被结合。然而对于基督教群体身份的建构,其身份建构又作为基督教群体的一项任务,是无法被解答的。 “How the identity of Christianity should be summed up is an
unanswerable question in that Christianity has its identity as a task; it has
its identity in the form of a task of looking for one.” (Page 155)
: “A reachable goal of great value is simply the strengthening of the bonds of
Christian fellowship. Through the ongoing practice of choosing dialogue over
monologue, there emerges a strengthening of the commitment to search for the
meaning of Christian discipleship together, with both seriousness about the
stakes and an eagerness to make something good come of conflict.” (Page 175)